
Haggis, Neaps and Champit Tatties!

A wee Dram!

The Haggis addressed

ALL this and dancing with live music from Ken and Barbara!

The programme danced was:

  1. The Famous Grouse (J32 3/4L)
  2. A Man’s a Man for a’ That (S32 3/4L)
  3. The White Cockade (R32 3/4L
  4. The Minister on the Loch (S32 3/3L)
  5. Ian Powrie’s Farewell to Auchterader (J128 4 Sq)
  1. Summer Wooing (R32 3/4L)
  2. The Wind on Loch Fyne (S32 3/3L)
  3. Inchmickery (J32 5/5L)
  4. Reel of the Royal Scots (R32 3/4L)