Our Club


Berkhamsted Strathspey & Reel club

Founded in 1952 by four brothers – Fergus, George, Robert and Simon Bateson – when they came down from University: we have now been dancing for nearly 70 years.  Sadly George, Fergus and Simon are no longer with us but Robert is still a member and still dancing!

Our membership is drawn from a wide area in Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire and from all walks of life.

We meet, for social dancing, every Tuesday evening, from September to May, in Potten End Village Hall, near Berkhamsted in south-west Hertfordshire. The aim of Tuesday club nights is to have a convivial evening with friends and, along the way, practice our dancing and learn new dances.

We also hold classes on Monday evenings to support our social dancing.

All are welcome to join us.