The planned programme for the evening is available here.  The actual programme danced was (click on the dance name to go to the dance information on the Strathspey Server).

1. The Shetland Shepherdess J32 3/4L Wallace: RSCDS Graded 3
2. Orpington Caledonians R32 3/4L Brenchley: RSCDS XLIX
3. Miss Gibson’s Strathspey S32 3/4L Haynes: RSCDS Leaflets
4. Muirland Willie J32 3/4L RSCDS XXI
5. The Celtic Cross R48 4S Haynes: Guide (ex-Collins)
6. Airyhall Delight J32 3/4L Young: RSCDS XL
7. Mrs MacLeod R32 3/4L RSCDS VI
8. The Swan and the Tay S32 3/3L Saunders: Perth 800
9. Trip to Timber Ridge R32 3/4L Henderson: RSCDS LII