The planned programme for the evening is available here.  The actual programme danced was (click on the dance name to go to the dance information on the Strathspey Server).

1. The Campbells are coming J32 2RR RSCDS XXIV
2. Foursome and Half Reel of Tulloch M96 lines (unknown)
3. John McAlpin S32 3/4L Foss: Magazine
4. Toast to the Mousies R32 3/4L Gratiot: RSCDS LIII
5. Boston Two Step -16 1RR Walton: Guide (ex-Collins)
6. Kendall’s Hornpipe J32 2/4L RSCDS Graded
7. Indian River Strathspey S32 3T Senyk: Pillings 9
8. Berwick Johnnie J32 3/4L RSCDS Graded
9. The Honeymoon R32 3/4L RSCDS Graded