Garden Dance hosted by Alison Bateson. Please bring a contribution to the bring and share supper plus your own plate and glass (we are no longer providing disposable plates and glasses) and, if possible, a garden chair. You are welcome to arrive from 7.15pm with dancing starting at 7.30pm.
For details of the location and contact information for the hosts see the Garden Dance page in the members area. Please contact your host to let them know you are coming.
The planned programme for the evening is available here.
If raining dancing is in Aldbury Memorial Hall but if it has stopped then dancing will be in Alison’s garden.
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IMPORTANT: Car parking: Only space for 8 cars in front of the house at the end of the lane. The lane must not be blocked. Please park in village if possible (no need for everyone to carry seats up as there should be some available). It’s a short walk up the lane.