Demonstration at the Nice and Easy Dance

The club held a Nice and Easy dance on 3rd December 2021 with a demonstration given by teachers from the club illustrating basic formations  for Scottish Country Dancing.  See the video of the demonstration here.  The dances are:

The Hollin Buss (J32 from RSCDS Book XXIV – once through)

Summer Wooing (R32 from RSCDS Book XXXVIII – twice through)

Midsummer Common (S32 from RSCDS Book XLIX – twice through)

Trip to Timber Ridge (R32 from RSCDS Book LII – twice through)

Thanks to the demonstration team of Robert Baker-Glenn, Caroline Catterall, Jan Collings, Joan Desborough, Gerry Elliott, Rose Kreloff, Ken Martlew and Jane Rose.