Our Platinum Anniversary, and many a plan, two years or more in the making, is afoot!
Early in the New year you can expect to see the first appearance cloth of the club’s very own tartan, as we take delivery of kilts, sashes and more from the weavers. You will recall that Ken and Petula Martlew produced the design which won the tartan competition which we ran across 2019/20.

Our Highland Ball will, of course be the highlight of the year, but you should know that two things in particular will be different about it: it will be in May, not our traditional February, and it is likely to be moved to the Allum Hall, Elstree. The committee decided to move the date to ensure that a winter upsurge of Covid does not put a damper on the proceedings. The potential change of venue comes about because Ashlyns School’s hall floor has been deemed unfit for dancing, and there is considerable uncertainty over when it might be repaired. Those who have been to dances run by London Branch or Watford Scottish Society will know the Allum Hall as a very suitable alternative to Ashlyns. Wherever we are though, it will be a most special evening, starting with a sparkling wine reception, followed by dinner. There will be a piper to welcome us and play for a dance, a display of Highland dancing, a programme of dances reflecting the club’s long history of Highland Balls and, of course, the music of the wonderful Sandy Nixon and his Band. An occasion not to be missed!
In February, a Valentine Dance will fill the gap left by the Ball’s removal to May and Sandy Nixon’s Band will again being playing for us. April will see our annual afternoon Tea Dance and in the summer there will be a Hog Roast and Dance. In the background, an online Miscellany of facts and stories from the club’s past is being produced and Roll of Honour Boards are being made.
And if that were not enough, there will be all our Monday Classes, Tuesday club nights and special evenings to enjoy. You’ll find the details of all of these up on our website in the calendar, where you might even spot that our Burns’ Night celebration in 2022 actually falls on the great man’s birthday – 25th February.